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Enpower introducing Gree Group as a strategic shareholder co

2021-04-10   327

On December 6, Zhuhai Enpower Electric Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Gree Financial Investment Management Co., Ltd. established a strategic cooperative relationship through capital ties. The function hall held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony. Gree Gold Investment intends to acquire 5% equity (corresponding to 3,780,000 shares) of Enpower, at a price of 36.15 yuan per share, and the total equity transfer is about 137 million yuan. In the follow-up, the two parties will give full play to their respective advantages, realize the "technology + capital" strong alliance, and jointly promote the high-quality development of Zhuhai's new energy automobile industry chain. Dr. Jiang Guibin, Chairman of Enpower, Zhou Lewei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Gree Group, and relevant personnel from both parties attended the signing ceremony.

Signing ceremony site
At the signing ceremony, Jiang Guibin, Chairman of Enpower said that the establishment of a strategic cooperative relationship between Enpower and Gree Group, with the help of Gree Group’s strong capital advantages, will more effectively play and consolidate Enpower’s technical and market advantages. The company's sustainable development provides a solid guarantee. In the future, Enpower will seize policy opportunities and focus on its main business operations. Through continuous investment in talents, technology, products, management, services, etc., it will accelerate the promotion of product optimization and upgrading, and drive the company's rapid development of scale and high-end. By continuously upgrading the supporting services of the domestic first-class large-scale automobile groups and well-known foreign automobile manufacturers, it is urged to introduce more high-quality, high-quality, affordable electric vehicle products.
Mr. Jiang Guibin, Chairman of Enpower
Subsequently, Zhou Lewei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Gree Group, said that the current new energy automobile industry has become one of the country's key development of strategic emerging industries, and it is also an important direction for the layout and development of Zhuhai's industrial structure. The Gree Group’s investment in Enpower through Gree Financial Investment Co., Ltd. is not only an obligation and responsibility as a state-owned enterprise to support Zhuhai’s local private listed companies to grow bigger and stronger, but also a part of strengthening the layout of its own automobile industry chain and promoting the development of Zhuhai’s new energy automobile industry. An important strategic move. Through this cooperation, Gree Group will give full play to its advantages in capital, resources, platform, etc., and do its best to promote the new energy auto parts industry to become one of Zhuhai’s pillar industries, and support Inbol's to become the core of the segment enterprise.

Zhou Lewei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Gree Group
Li Hongyu, the shareholder and deputy general manager of Enpower (front row, left),
Gree Capital's deputy general manager, Yang Tao (front row, right), signed the contract on behalf of both parties
Dr. Jiang Guibin (left) and Chairman Zhou Lewei (right)

At the same time as this share transfer, the controlling shareholders and concerted actors of Enpower will also transfer 5% of the equity to the employee shareholding platform in accordance with the company's strategic development needs, in order to stabilize the core team, stimulate the release of internal operating potential, and realize Enpower The benefits of management and core personnel are coordinated to gather more impetus for the development of the company. After the completion of the transfer of shares, Gree Group will deepen its cooperation with Enpower, further exert the synergy effect of capital and technology, help it to create better results, and work together to expand and strengthen Zhuhai's automobile industry. Optimize the real economy to make greater contributions.